Northern Beaches Broadband has a fair use policy that we think is more than fair.

Acceptable and Fair Use Policy.

Our customers should be able to use our services to express themselves and share information. But we also believe that there should be certain rules on how services are used to protect the safety and rights of other users and Northern Beaches Broadband.

Our Acceptable and Fair Use Policy explains what those rules are and what action we may take if you breach them.

Some important definitions:

  • NBB and NBBN – Refers to Northern Beaches Broadband

  • You – The account holder and anyone the account holder has authorised to access the internet via your account

  • Services – applies to all services and equipment that Northern Beaches Broadband supplies

  • Customers – all customers of Northern Beaches Broadband, including residential, small business, corporate and enterprise.

Policy Respecting others

Everyone should be able to use the internet freely and safely. You mustn’t use our services to:

  • Promote or threaten violence towards anyone

  • Abuse or harass anyone, for example by making offensive, misleading or menacing comments (this includes to our staff)

  • Encourage hate, for example by making racist, sexist, defamatory or discriminatory comments

  • Create a risk to the health or safety of any person

Respecting the law

You mustn’t use your services for anything illegal or unlawful. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Providing us with false account information

  • Hacking or gaining improper access to someone else’s information

  • Spamming

  • Transmission or storage of data infringing Australian laws, including pornography and viruses

  • Infringing copyright laws

Respecting Northern Beaches Broadband

You mustn’t use your service for anything that would adversely affect Northern Beaches Broadband’s network or reputation. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Resupplying our services or products to others without our consent

  • Using services for other than their intended purpose (both residential and business), such as trying to bypass your service limitations

  • Using your service in a way that interferes with or poses a risk to our network or other customers’ services

What happens if you breach the policy?

If we think you have breached this policy, we can act. This includes:

  • Looking into the breach (which may or may not involve contacting you)

  • Issuing a formal warning

  • Restricting your access, with or without notice

  • Suspending or ending your service, with or without notice

If we think you have breached the law, we will report you to the police and give them your personal information (see more in our Privacy Policy).

Reporting Breaches

If you suspect you may have inadvertently breached this policy, or you wish to report someone else breaching this policy, please contact us as soon as practicable.

Related documents:
Privacy Policy


This Policy will be made available on Northern Beaches Broadband’s website. It may change from time to time. If there are substantial changes, we will notify you directly.